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NMA Memorial Appeal

Many SAF Association members recently received an email appealing for funds to put in place an agreement with the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) trustees for the long term maintenance and preservation of our memorial in Staffordshire.

The Committee would like to thank the membership for its support for the Appeal and

for the very positive response. The target, £6600, was reached within the first four days! It was

decided to close the Appeal at that stage, having reached the objective, but, generously,

members continued to offer support for some days afterwards.

This took the Appeal beyond the original target and has provided sufficient funds to

enable us, additionally, to refurbish the SAF Memorial Book lying on display in the Royal

Memorial Chapel at Sandhurst. This includes having a calligrapher correct a number of

the entries and having the spine replaced by a professional book binder.

It has been a fantastic response and your support is deeply appreciated. Thank you all

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