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Paul ‘Tiger’ Wright WSh WB RE

Paul ‘Tiger’ Wright, a company commander in JR, was killed in action 50 years ago on 6 February 1973, and was awarded posthumously the Sultan’s Gallantry Medal - one of only three British officers awarded this medal, and the only seconded British officer to be so honoured. The 50th anniversary was marked by a moving ceremony beside his grave in Cheshire, organised by the local 75 Engineer Regiment with RE, SAF and SAS representatives taking part.

Mike Austin, who was with Paul when he was killed (and was awarded the Bravery Medal (WB) for his own actions on that day of fierce battle) laid a wreath on behalf of members of the SAF Association. John McKeown, Jonathan Salusbury-Trelawny and Nick Larkin were also at the graveside. At a ceremony afterwards at 75 Engineer Regiment RHQ in Warrington, Paul’s sword, which had been given by his mother many years ago to a reserve sapper was gifted by him to the Regiment.

Mike Austin laying the wreath

Bill and Tony from D Sqn, 22 SAS, Lt Col Chris Ankers CO 75 Engineer Regiment, Jonathan Salusbury-Trelawny, John McKeown, Mike Austin and Nick Larkin

The Tiger Wright/SE Regional Lunch (curry!) will be held at the RE HQ Officers' Mess, Chatham, on 4 May, beginning by visiting Tiger’s medal display in the RE Museum: see Events - 04 May

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